Wednesday, April 06, 2005

federation cup

the middle-east federation is organizing a cup for all mid-east managers,
and the winner gets a prize of three months' supporter!

the cup is being organized by markruben (teamid #153495).
you can register through his team or through the site he created:
remember to include all the details:
Team Name
Team ID

good luck!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

1st post

well, not really too much to say, but here goes:
our federation is a place for people from all over the middle-east (well, and all other countries that are not really IN the middle-east, but are generally thought of as part of it, eg Iran), and some of their selected friends, to meet each other and discuss issues from HT tactics to sleeping arrangements in their friends' home towns.
could be nice, innit? i, for one, do not get too many chances to have any sort of contact with most of the people who live in this area, and i feel that's a real shame.
let's do something about it!